I got bit by the blogging bug too long ago to recount when I entered a competition to win a trip to the Electronic Entertainment Expo. The now defunct 1up.com was going to fulfill all my dreams by allowing me the chance to assuredly hobnob with video gaming luminaries and journalists I admired…until I got what amounted to a participation ribbon and a strong predilection towards jotting down my musings about one of my favorite hobbies as a consolation.

But I digress — here I am some twenty years later and I’m still tittering away on a keyboard to my own personal bemusement and satisfaction for a job well done.

Although I have (yet) to be published in print, I’ve made the rounds at places like Two Button Crew, A Most Agreeable Pastime and Nintendo Life. They’ve all been fun and enlightening experiences, but at the end of the day I keep coming back to blogging because I get to speak freely without rubrics and style guides getting in the way. As Brother Ali once said: “Whatever comes up, comes out. We don’t put our hands over our mouth.”

These days I’m a doting family man, an earnest healthcare worker, a hiker par excellent and some shmuck that thinks people are what he thinks about digital escapism.

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